How to Know if You're Transgender
Throughout the years, there has been growing support and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, and while efforts have been made, there still is much confusion rampant through society that could use explaining.
When I first started questioning myself and who I really was, I, like anyone else, naturally had many questions and thoughts floating around in my head.
Through a fair amount of googling and watching YouTube videos, I came to the conclusion that indeed I was a transgender woman and set off to begin my transition.
Since 2018, I have been going about it, experiencing both the good, bad and the, very, very, ugly sides of it all. Being 19, I am fortunate to have started HRT (hormone replacement therapy) so early.
I am also lucky to not look and sound too masculine and have a supportive family and loads of friends.
Despite this, the struggle still is present and it will be years before I fully feel comfortable and at peace with myself.
I know that many are like me who are not quite sure how to go about transitioning. There are also many who would benefit from knowing more such as parents, friends, and the world in general.
This blog will serve as an insight into my transition and all of the details and processes associated with it - the tea if you may call it., in an ever-evolving life story.
For those that want to see what it's all about at a young age from the beginning; this is a blog worth following and reading up on.
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Throughout the years, there has been growing support and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, and while efforts have been made, there still i...
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